This tape depicts female dominance at its most ent. When you pit one of the strongest women wrestlers in the world against a smaller male athlete, no other outcome is likely. Many of you have asked to see more of this, and we have delivered a beauty. Greg is simply annihilated between Renee O'Neill's "500lb. squat" thighs. She has him crying out in desperation time after time as she works him over at will. The young man knows there is no hope, that her power is much too immense, even when she allows him an "opening". Her large muscles dwarf his, and his every move is countered with far greater press. If you still harbor any doubt that a female can slaughter a male at "a man's game", watch Renee put her muscles into convincing action. When it comes to a battle of the sexes, here on this tape is your ultimate example of female superiority.
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